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Table of Contents

  1. What are Autoproperties?
  2. Basic Autoproperties Syntax
  3. Advanced Autoproperties
  4. Autogrouping
  5. TypeRules
  6. Getting more help

What are Autoproperties?

"Autoproperties" is short for "Automatic Properties". This is pekwm's way of setting certain things up for applications based on the window's internal id. You can set up a lot of things, such as size, iconified state, start location, grouped state (automatically having one window group to another), workspace to start on, whether it has a border or titlebar, and more. It is also possible to automatically modify window titles and to decide the order of applications on the harbour with autoproperties.

Basic Autoproperties Syntax

The ~/.pekwm/autoproperties file follows the rules in Common Syntax. This file can become rather complicated, but it's also the most powerful of any of pekwm's config files.

The one important thing to remember is the Property tag. This identifier tells us where to apply properties; meaning which windows to apply it on. To find out the two terms, use xprop WM_CLASS and click on your window. Below you'll find a bash/zsh function which will give you the correct string for this file. You can also specify a regexp wildcard, such as ".*,opera", which means anything for the first word, opera for the second.

propstring () {
  echo -n 'Property '
  xprop WM_CLASS | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)", "\(.*\)".*/= "\1,\2" {/g'
  echo '}'

Autoproperties have both an old and new style matching clients. The new style was introduced to support using configuration template overwriting.

In addition with WM_CLASS, pekwm also can identify clients by their title string (xprop WM_NAME or xprop _NET_WM_NAME).

# New syntax, requires Require { Templates = "True" }
Property = "^dillo,^Dillo,,Dillo: pekwm.org - not just another windowmanager" {
    ApplyOn = "Start New"
    Layer = "OnTop"

# Old syntax
Property = "^dillo,^Dillo" {
        Title = "Dillo: pekwm.org - not just another windowmanager"
    ApplyOn = "Start New"
    Layer = "OnTop"

Or by their role (xprop WM_WINDOW_ROLE):

# New syntax, requires Require { Templates = "True" }
Property = "^gaim,^Gaim,preferences" {
    ApplyOn = "New"
    Skip = "Menus"

# Old syntax
Property = "^gaim,^Gaim" {
    Role = "preferences"
    ApplyOn = "New"
    Skip = "Menus"

pekwm can rewrite window titles. This is done in a separate TitleRules section, where one defines properties regarding which clients to use the rewriting on and then a regexp rule of what to do to that clients title. These rules do not affect the actual WM_NAME string. You can use Role and Title keywords to narrow down the clients to whom the titlerule applies. A simple rule that would change "Title: this is the title" to "this is the title" looks like this:

TitleRules {
    Property = "^foo,^bar" {
        Rule = "/Title: (.*)/\\1/"

In pekwm, you can make certain windows have their own decoration set. The different decorations are defined in the theme, and they are connected to client windows with an autoproperty. These autoproperties reside in their own DecorRules subsection and look like this:

DecorRules {
    Property = "^foo,^bar" {
        Decor = "TERM"

It's also possible to decide the order of applications that start in the harbour. As with TitleRules and DecorRules, there is it's own separate section for this purpose called Harbour. Position is a signed int and order goes: "1 2 3 0 0 0 -3 -2 -1", and so on. That looked cryptic. Not to worry. Basically, a Position number of 0 means the application will be placed in the middle. If the number is positive, the application will be placed before the zero-positioned applications. If the number is negative, the applications will be placed after the zero-position ones. So the positive numbered show up first in your harbour, then the zero numbered, and after the zeros come the negatively numbered applications. I hope this is clear, as the next part is tricky.

The larger the value of the base number the closer to the zero applications they will be. So the smaller the base number the closer to the ends of the harbour the application will be. Position 1 would be the first application to show up on the harbour. And similarly Position -1 would be the last application on the harbour. If you have application on the harbour that do not match any of the property rules on the Harbour section, they will act as if you had given them Position 0. Applications with the same Position will show up next to each other in the order they are launched. In our example below, obpager will always be placed the last on the harbour.

Harbour {
    Property = "^obpager,^obpager" {
        Position = "-1";

If you want certain autoproperties to be applied only when you are on a specific workspace, you can add a workspace section. The following example sets an autoproperty that removes the border and titlebar from xterm on the second and third workspace. Please keep in mind that we start counting with 0.

Workspace = "1 2" {
    Property = "xterm,XTerm" {
        ApplyOn = "Start New Reload"
        Border = "False"
        Titlebar = "False"

Here's an example ~/.pekwm/autoproperties file:

Property = ".*,^xmms" {
    ApplyOn = "Start New"
    Layer = "0"
    Sticky = "True"

Property = "^xclock,^XClock" {
    ApplyOn = "Start New"
    FrameGeometry = "100x100+0-0"
    Border = "False"; Titlebar = "False"
    Sticky = "True"
    Layer = "Desktop"

Property = "^dillo,^Dillo" {
    ApplyOn = "Start New"
    Group = "browsers" {
        Size = "30"
        Behind = "True"
        Global = "False"

TitleRules {
    Property = "^dillo,^Dillo" {
        Rule = "/Dillo: (.*)/\1 [dillo]/"
    Property = "^opera,^opera" {
        Rule = "/...:... - (.*) - Opera .*/\\1 [opera]/"

DecorRules {
    Property = "^.term,^XTerm" {
        Decor = "TERM"

Harbour {
    Property = "^obpager,^obpager" {
        Position = "-1"

Regular Expressions!

The pekwm autoproperties file uses Regular Expression syntax for wildcards. Regular expressions can be really confusing to people with no experience with them. A good rule of thumb is: "Anywhere you'd think to use '*', use '.*'". Also, '^' matches the beginning of a string, '$' matches the end, and '.' is any single character. Pekwm has some special flags that modify regular expression matching. Specifying regular expressions in the form /pattern/flags allow flags to be set. The supported flags are ! for inverting the match and i for case insensitive matches. Explaining the syntax of regular expressions goes beyond the scope of this documentation. You might want to look at http://www.regularexpressions.info/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expressions.

Advanced Autoproperties

Below is a list of the different actions available to you in your autoproperties file; These are the actual Auto Properties. They can take four types of arguments:

Type Description Example
boolean Is either True (1) or False (0) true
integer An Integer is a number, negative or positive 42
string A string is any string, it's used as an identifier MENU
geom X Geometry String by the form "[=][[%]{xX}[%]][{+-}[%]{+-}[%]] 200x100+0+0

Exhaustive Autoprops List

AllowedActions (string) DisallowedActions (string)

A list of actions to allow/deny performing on a client:

ApplyOn (string)

A list of conditions outlining when to apply this autoprop (so be sure to include this in your property):

Border (bool)

Window starts with a border

CfgDeny (string)

A list of conditions of when to deny things requested by the client program:

ClientGeometry (geom)

X Geometry String showing the initial size and position of the client, excluding the possible pekwm titlebar and window borders.

Decor (string)

Use the specified decor for this window. The decor has to be defined in the used theme. The decor is chosen by the first match in order: AutoProperty, TypeRules, DecorRules.

Focusable (bool)

Toggles if this client can be focused while it's running.

FocusNew (bool)

Toggles if this client gets focused when it initially pops up a window.

FrameGeometry (geom)

X Geometry String showing the initial size and position of the window frame. Window frame includes the client window and the possible pekwm titlebar and window borders. If both ClientGeometry and FrameGeometry are present, FrameGeometry overrides the ClientGeometry.

Fullscreen (bool)

Window starts in fullscreen mode

Group (string)

Defines the name of the group, in addition to containing all the grouping options. They are:

Icon (string)

Set _NET_WM_ICON on the specified window. Icon is loaded from the icon load path, see configuration for details.

Iconified (bool)

Window starts Iconified

Layer (string)

Windows layer. Makes the window stay under or above other windows. Default layer is "Normal". Possible parameters are (listed from the bottommost to the topmost):

MaximizedHorizontal (bool)

Window starts Maximized Horizontally

MaximizedVertical (bool)

Window starts Maximized Vertically

Opacity (int int)

Sets the focused and unfocused opacity values for the window. A value of 100 means completely opaque, while 0 stands for completely transparent.

Note that a Composite Manager needs to be running for this feature to take effect.

PlaceNew (bool)

Toggles the use of placing rules for this client.

Role (string)

Apply this autoproperty on clients that have a WM_WINDOW_ROLE hint that matches this string. String is a regexp like: "^Main".

Shaded (bool)

Window starts Shaded

Skip (string)

A list of situations when to ignore the defined application and let the user action skip over it, consisting of:

Sticky (bool)

Window starts Sticky (present on all workspaces)

Title (string)

Apply this autoproperty on clients that have a title that matches this string. String is a regexp like: "^Saving".

Titlebar (bool)

Window starts with a TitleBar

Workspace (integer)

Which workspace to start program on.


Autogrouping is actually very simple, although it might be a bit confusing at first. Group is an identifier, it's just a string, (in my example, we'll call it netwin). Size tells how many clients to group together in one frame.

The example: We want to autogroup Sylpheed and Opera together, allowing as many instances of the program windows to be grouped as there are. Here's the Autoprops section for that:

Property = ".\*,^opera" {
    Group = "netwin" {
        Size = "0"
    ApplyOn = "New Start Reload"
Property = ".\*,^Sylpheed" {
    Group = "netwin" {
        Size = "0"
    ApplyOn = "New Start Reload Transient"

This creates two rules: "For any window matching '.*,^opera', group these in the 'netwin' group. Apply this on pekwm start/reload and when new windows matching this property are opened, but do not include dialog windows", and "For any window matching '.*,^Sylpheed', group in the 'netwin' group. Apply on pekwm start/reload and when new windows matching this property are opened, also include possible dialog windows to the group. Open the window to the group but do not raise it automatically".

To group unlimited windows together, use size 0.

Also note that you can have as many Group identifiers as you want. Autogrouping is a very flexible system. Try playing around with it.


The TypeRules decides how the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE should be interpreted. The _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE hint gives the application writer possibility to inform the window manager what kind of window it is creating.

TypeRules are defined in the TypeRules section of the ~/.pekwm/autoproperties file. A sample section could look something like this:

TypeRules {

    Property = "MENU"  {
        Titlebar = "False"
        Border = "False"
        Skip = "FocusToggle Menus Snap"


Using TypeRules are done the same way as with Advanced Autoproperrties but the property is matched based on the value of _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE. Supported values are available in the list below.

Supported values

Getting more help

Autoprops can be a daunting topic. If you've read everything here in the docs and are still having problems, feel free to hit the IRC channel and ask. Check the Common questions and answers before asking. Remember that: "IF YOU WANT AN ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION, YOU HAD BETTER HAVE ALREADY READ THE DOCUMENTATION".

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